
Our Recent News

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文被2024 IEEE Conference on AgriFood Electronics接受!

論文題目: "A Concentration Separability Indicator (CSI) Feature Selection Method to Enhance Coffee Classification for an Electronic Nose System"

Posted by NBME on 07 20, 2024

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文被IEEE Access接受!

論文題目: "Gas Identification Algorithm Based on Dynamic Response Analysis of Metal Oxide Sensors under Temperature Modulation"

Posted by NBME on 06 03, 2024

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文被IEEE Access接受!

論文題目: "Implementation of a Double-Path Flipped Voltage Follower Cell for Voltage Conveyors"

Posted by NBME on 05 17, 2024

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文被IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits接受!

論文題目: "A 0.67-to-5.4 TSOPs/W Spiking Neural Network Accelerator with 128/256 Reconfigurable Neurons and Asynchronous Fully-Connected Synapses"

Posted by NBME on 05 07, 2024

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文被Respiratory Research接受!

論文題目: "Cross-site validation of lung cancer diagnosis by electronic nose with deep learning: a multicenter prospective study"

Posted by NBME on 05 06, 2024

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授獲得「111年度清華-台達傑出人才講座」「2022 National Tsing Hua University-Delta Distinguished Talent」

Posted by NBME on 05 02, 2024

Pang-Chun Liu, Ting-I Chou, Shih-Wen Chiu, Kea-Tiong Tang, “A Low-Cost Air Quality Sensor Calibration Algorithm Using Self-Attention Network”, ISOEN 2024, accepted.

Posted by NBME on 03 22, 2024

Yen-Wen Chen, Rui-Hsuan Wang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Cheng Lu, "SUN: Dynamic Hybrid-Precision SRAM-Based CIM Accelerator with High Macro Utilization Using Structured Pruning Mixed-Precision Networks, IEEE TCAD, accepted

Posted by NBME on 02 19, 2024

Yu Hsuan Lin, Chao Yang Tang, Kea-Tiong Tang, “A 0.2-pJ/Sop Digital Spiking Neuromorphic Processor with Temporal Parallel Dataflow and Efficient Synapse Memory Compression”, 2024 IEEE 6th AICAS, accepted for Lecture presentation.

Posted by NBME on 02 19, 2024

Chia-Hua Hsu, Yu-Wei Lin, Yi-Hsin Liao, Liang-Kai Wang, Cheng-Jung Tsai, Kea-Tiong Tang, "A Low-Noise, Low-Power Neural Signal Amplifier for Deep Brain Stimulation System Chips Tolerating 3V Stimulation", 2024 IEEE ISCAS, accepted for Lecture presentation.

Posted by NBME on 01 16, 2024

賀 ! 本實驗室專題生楊士賢、余駿越、林允仲同學榮獲 112學年度「智慧感知聯網中心大專生專題競賽 影片人氣獎」

Posted by NBME on 12 15, 2023


Posted by NBME on 11 23, 2023

Tang, C. L., Chou, T. I., Yang, S. R., Lin, Y. J., Ye, Z. K., Chiu, S. W., Tang, K. T. (2023) “Development of a Nondestructive Moldy Coffee Beans Detection System Based on Electronic Nose”, IEEE Sensors Letters, 7(2), 1-4., accepted.

Posted by NBME on 11 23, 2023

賀 ! 本實驗室廖一心同學榮獲 112學年度「電機系碩、博士班入學成績優異獎學金」

Posted by NBME on 10 26, 2023

Ya-Han Fan, Ting-I Chou, Shih-Wen Chiu, Kea-Tiong Tang, “Gas Prediction Method Based on Dynamic Response Analysis of Metal Oxide Sensors under Temperature Modulation”, IEEE SENSORS 2023, accepted.

Posted by NBME on 10 22, 2023

Mu-Hsiang Kao, Shih-Wen Chiu, Meng-Rui Lee, Min Sun, Kea-Tiong Tang, “Deep Neural Network of E-Nose Sensor for Lung Cancer Classification”, 2023 IEEE Biosensors, 134438, accepted.

Posted by NBME on 10 22, 2023

Jui-Ching Wu, Ting-I Chou, Shih-Wen Chiu, Shihabudeen P.K., Po-An Chen and Kea-Tiong Tang, “Development of Coffee Classification by Feature Selection and Classifier Optimization Based on An Electronic Nose”, IEEE Conference on AgriFood Electronics (IEEE CAFE 2023), accepted.

Posted by NBME on 10 22, 2023

Shihabudeen P.K., Gupta S., Notash M.Y., Sardroodi J.J., Chiu S.W., Tai N.H., and Kea-Tiong Tang*, “Chemiresistive room temperature NO2 sensor based on nitrogen doped zinc oxide nanowires”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 394, 134438, accepted.

Posted by NBME on 10 22, 2023

賀 ! 本實驗室獲得2022教育部積體電路設計系統應用創新專題實作競賽 銅獎

Posted by NBME on 08 03, 2022

"A Transferable Feature-based Classifier to Improve Transferability of Electronic Nose Systems" is accepted for publication by IEEE Sensors Letters

Posted by NBME on 07 12, 2022

Meysam Akbari, Safwan Mawlood Hussein, Yasir Hashim, and Kea-Tiong Tang*, “0.4-V Tail-Less Quasi-Two-Stage OTA Using a Novel Self-Biasing Transconductance Cell”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I), accepted.

Posted by NBME on 03 29, 2022

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文發表在 Oral presentation at IEDM 2021

題目: "A Miniature Electronic Nose for Breath Analysis"

Posted by NBME on 09 20, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室獲得2021未來科技獎

參展名稱: 用於智慧生活的靜態與動態視覺關鍵技術

Posted by NBME on 08 21, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室謝嘉祐、林詩婷同學榮獲 "第二十一屆旺宏金矽獎優勝獎"

Posted by NBME on 07 28, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文發表在 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems

論文題目: "An Enhanced Input Differential Pair for Low-Voltage Bulk-Driven Amplifiers"

Posted by NBME on 05 25, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文發表在 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

論文題目: " MARS: Multi-macro Architecture SRAM CIM-Based Accelerator with Co-designed Compressed Neural Networks"

Posted by NBME on 05 22, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文發表在 IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits

論文題目: " A Local Computing Cell and 6T SRAM based Computing-in-Memory Macro with 8b MAC Operation for Edge AI Chips"

Posted by NBME on 04 12, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室的論文發表在 AICAS 2021

論文題目: " Integer Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (IQIF): A Neuron Model for Digital Neuromorphic Systems"

論文題目: " A Bio-Inspired Motion Detection Circuit for the Computation of Optical Flow: The Spatial-Temporal Filtering Reichardt Model"

Posted by NBME on 04 09, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室博士後Meysam Akbari的論文發表在 Electronics Letters

論文題目: " An adjustable 0.3-V current winner-take-all circuit for analog neural networks"

Posted by NBME on 03 09, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室葉作蔚同學的論文發表在 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems

論文題目: " A Population-Based Digital Spiking Neuromorphic Processor with Integer Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire Neurons"

Posted by NBME on 01 30, 2021

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授當選IEEE Taipei Section(國際電機電子工程師學會中華民國分會)理事長

Posted by NBME on 01 18, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室博士後Meysam的論文發表在 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs

論文題目: "An Adjustable Dual-Output Current Mode MOSFET-Only Filter"

Posted by NBME on 12 25, 2020

More Info

Posted by NBME on 12 07, 2021

賀 ! 本實驗室王宣賀同學的論文發表在 IEEE Sensors Journal

論文題目: "Using a Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Gas Classification"

Posted by NBME on 11 04, 2020


Posted by NBME on 11 03, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室陳彥朋同學論文發表在 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems

論文題目: "A Fully Integrated High-Power-Supply-Rejection Linear Regulator With an Output-Supplied Voltage Reference"

Posted by NBME on 10 28, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室參與的論文合作發表在JSSC

論文題目: "A CMOS-integrated compute-in-memory macro based on resistive random-access memory for AI edge devices"

Posted by NBME on 10 27, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室參與的論文合作發表在Nature Electronics

論文題目: "A Fully Integrated High-Power-Supply-Rejection Linear Regulator With an Output-Supplied Voltage Reference"

Posted by NBME on 10 28, 2020

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授榮獲“國立清華大學109年度『傑出產學研究獎』”

Posted by NBME on 09 17, 2020

本團隊於清華大學舉辦“2020 Kiss Science-科學開門 青春不問”的活動,活動詳情如下:

活動名稱:AI 幫你看

時間: 第一場次:11:00-11:30



Posted by NBME on 10 28, 2020

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授榮獲“國立清華大學108年產學合作績優教師”

Posted by NBME on 08 11, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室劉彥彤同學的論文被 published in the Early Access area on IEEE Xplore

論文題目: "A Minimum Distance Inlier Probability (MDIP) Feature Selection Method to Improve Gas Classification for Electronic Nose Systems"

Posted by NBME on 07 24, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室陳彥朋同學論文發表成功,被IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 收錄

論文題目:"A Fully Integrated High-Power-Supply-Rejection Linear Regulator with an Output-Supplied Voltage Reference"

Posted by NBME on 07 04, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室合作參與的論文發表成功,被IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 收錄

論文題目:A 4Kb 1-to-8 bit Configurable 6T SRAM based Computing-in-Memory Unit-Macro for CNN-based AI Edge Processors

Posted by NBME on 06 28, 2020

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授的論文被IEEE Journal of Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits 收錄

論文題目:A Relaxed Quantization Training Method for Hardware Limitations of Resistive Random-Access Memory (ReRAM)-based Computing-In-Memory

Posted by NBME on 05 01, 2020

本實驗室鄭桂忠教授受邀在 ISSCC Forum 2:"ML at the extreme edge: Machine Learning as the Killer app"演講

論文題目:"In-Sensor and In-memory computing for Constrained Hardware for TinyML IoT Applications "

Posted by NBME on 02 20, 2020


Posted by NBME on 02 01, 2020

賀 ! 本實驗室參與ENIAC團隊獲得未來科技展頒發的未來科技突破獎

Posted by NBME on 09 07, 2019

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授和王宣賀同學的電子鼻系統被生醫月刊收錄

Posted by NBME on 12 20, 2019

賀 ! 鄭桂忠教授受邀到ASSCC演講

論文題目:Are Analog and Mixed Mode Circuits the future solution of AI SoCs?” (Position: Spiking Neural Network)

Posted by NBME on 11 20, 2019


Posted by NBME on 11 14, 2019


論文題目:"In-Sensor and In-memory computing for Constrained Hardware for TinyML IoT Applications "

Posted by NBME on 11 13, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室溫偉志同學的論文被Advanced MEMS/NEMS Technology, Volume II接受

論文題目 :“A Gas Mixture Prediction Model Based on the Dynamic Response of a Metal-Oxide Sensor”

Posted by NBME on 09 11, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室參與ENIAC團隊獲得未來科技展頒發的未來科技突破獎

Posted by NBME on 08 31, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室魏瑋辰同學與清大張孟凡老師實驗室合作的團隊獲得金矽獎銅獎

Posted by NBME on 12 20, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室陳彥朋同學的設計獲得TSRI 台灣半導體研究中心 優等設計奬

Posted by NBME on 08 07, 2019

鄭桂忠教授受邀將演講於2020 International Solid-State Circuits Conference(ISSCC)

演講題目:"In-sensor and In-memory computing for constrained hardware for TinyML IoT applications."

Posted by NBME on 08 07, 2019


Posted by NBME on 08 05, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室吳承駿同學的論文被IEEE Sensors Letters接受

論文題目 :“An Electronic Nose System for Rapid Detection of Ketamine Smoke”

Posted by NBME on 08 05, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室合作參與的論文被Nature Electronics接受

論文題目 :“CMOS-integrated memristive non-volatile computing-in-memory for AI edge processors”

Posted by NBME on 07 24, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室 歐陽逸涵同學論文獲ISCAS 接受於2019發表

論文題目 :"An Energy-Efficient SAR ADC with Event-Triggered Error Correction"

Posted by NBME on 04 18, 2019

6/21 TSIA IC設計研討會演講

Posted by NBME on 04 16, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室 周廷奕同學,邱仕文博士和鄭桂忠教授參與編寫的書籍 “Chemical, Gas, and Biosensors for Internet of Things and Related Applications” 成功出版

負責章節題目為 :"A CMOS compatible miniature gas sensing system"

Posted by NBME on 04 16, 2019

鄭桂忠教授受邀將演講於2019 Symposium on VLSI Technology

演講題目:"Considerations of Integrating Computing-In-Memory and Processing-In-Sensor into Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators for Low-Power Edge Devices"

Posted by NBME on 04 16, 2019

賀 ! 本實驗室 歐陽逸涵同學論文獲IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 接受於2019發表

論文題目 :"An Energy-Efficient SAR ADC with Event-Triggered Error Correction"

Posted by NBME on 04 16, 2019

2018-06-06 有沒有罹患肺炎? 電子鼻聞一聞就知道
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Posted by NBME on 05 09, 2019

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Posted by NBME on 05 09, 2019

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Posted by NBME on 03 13, 2019